1. 塞子:该车投产后不断进行改进,主要是用塞子(Spigot)反坦克导弹取代原来的赛格反坦克导弹,并将轨式发射改为筒式发射;外挂辅助燃料箱以增大行程;用凸起的通风窗盖取代原来的方形三防通风窗盖,以改进通风滤毒忄生能;采用新型负重轮;
2. 套管:8月3日,美国Cost Plus World Market零售商宣布自主召回下列消费品:带有红、蓝、绿、黄点的饮料容器,SKU编码为370549,391163,378321,378322;玻璃容器retro w/spout,SKU编码为378251. 原因:容器组件-金属套管(spigot)中的铅会溶到柠檬水和其它酸性饮料中.
3. 插口:spiegel 镜铁 | spigot 插口 | spigot 套口接头
1. 龙头;开关
A spigot is a faucet or tap.
1. It was this that opened up his spigot for promoting science and atheism.
2. When male bonding turns suspiciously intimate, people turn on the spigot of gossip.
1. spigot在线翻译
1. a regulator for controlling the flow of a liquid from a reservoir
Synonym: faucet
2. a plug for a bunghole in a cask
Synonym: tap