
spine [spaɪn]  [spaɪn] 



spine 基本解释


名词脊柱; 脊椎; 书脊; (动植物的)刺

spine 相关例句


1. His spine developed a slight curve.

2. Threats merely stiffened his spine.

3. He has spine and starch.

4. The land is flat and marshy before rising to a spine of low hills.

5. The cactus has spines.

spine 网络解释


1. 脊骨:上海中医药大学脊柱病研究所及上海中医药大学附属龙华医院教授王拥军率领的课题组完成了益气化瘀方防治软骨终板内软骨细胞凋亡的相关系列研究. 其成果获得中华医学科技奖一等奖,这是全国中医药界目...抗FAS抗体诱导椎间盘软骨细胞凋亡模型建立方法发表在国际脊柱病研究杂志<<脊骨>>(Spine)上...

2. 脊柱:南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院邱勇教授等科研人员的一项最新研究发现,特发性脊柱侧凸的女性患者有体型偏瘦、骨量偏低和体内瘦素浓度偏低等特点,其降低的瘦素浓度可能是联系体型偏瘦和骨量偏低之间关系的重要因素. 这一研究成果近日刊登在世界脊柱外科学术刊物 <<脊柱>>(Spine)上.

3. 柱:这项由美国西弗吉尼亚大学完成的研究发表在9月刊的<<脊柱>>(Spine)杂志上. 研究人员将90名年龄在23岁至66岁之间的轻度或中度慢性腰痛患者分成两组进行测试. 在6个月时间内,一组人每周做两次各持续90分钟的瑜伽练习,

spine 词典解释

1. 脊椎;脊柱
    Your spine is the row of bones down your back.

2. 书脊
    The spine of a book is the narrow stiff part which the pages and covers are attached to.

3. (动物身体上的)棘状突起;(植物上的)棘,刺,针
    Spines are also long, sharp points on an animal's body or on a plant.

spine 单语例句

1. spine的解释

1. Scientists have said that tiny nerves crisscrossing the spine can bypass crippling injuries recently written off as irreversible.

2. The ligaments surrounding the disc had an eight millimeter tear and during surgery we discovered fragments of the disc had travelled into the spine canal.

3. The amount of exhaust fumes from 200 million automobiles should be grave enough to send a chill up our spine.

4. Prepare for spine tingling scares and a feast of frights a classic ghost story hits the screens this week.

5. They found bones of feet, spine and rib from chicken or lamb in the cloudy soup.

6. spine的翻译

6. The pungency of mutton leaves me cold, and congealed fat on the plate send even more chills down the spine.

7. The doctor who wrongly injected intravenous drugs into the spine of a leukemia patient apologized to the patient's parents at a Coroner's Court Wednesday.

8. When Liu Liu was diagnosed with curvature of the spine at the age of eight, her impoverished mother borrowed money from loan sharks for Liu Liu's surgery.

9. Scientists have already established that the skeleton showed at least two injuries on the skull, a wound on the back and curvature of the spine.

10. spine在线翻译

10. A cycle of exercising and relaxing the spine creates a pumping activity whereby spinal discs soak up water and nutrients like a sponge.

spine 英英释义



1. a sharp rigid animal process or appendage
    as a porcupine quill or a ridge on a bone or a ray of a fish fin

2. the part of a book's cover that encloses the inner side of the book's pages and that faces outward when the book is shelved

    e.g. the title and author were printed on the spine of the book

    Synonym: backbone

3. the series of vertebrae forming the axis of the skeleton and protecting the spinal cord

    e.g. the fall broke his back

    Synonym: spinal column vertebral column backbone back rachis

4. danci.911cha.com

4. a small sharp-pointed tip resembling a spike on a stem or leaf

    Synonym: thorn prickle pricker sticker spikelet

5. any sharply pointed projection

    Synonym: spur acantha