
spineless [ˈspaɪnləs]  [ˈspaɪnlɪs] 

spineless 基本解释


形容词<贬>没有骨气的,懦弱的; (动物)无脊椎的

spineless 网络解释


1. 没脊梁(没有骨气):spark 火星(来电) | spineless 没脊梁(没有骨气) | split hairs 细分头发(吹毛求疵)

2. 没有骨气:spark 来电 | spineless 没有骨气 | split hairs 吹毛求疵

3. 无脊椎的:spinel 尖晶石 | spineless 无脊椎的 | spinelle 尖晶石

4. 无脊椎动:spine脊骨,刺 | spineless无脊椎动 | spoof幽默地模仿n

spineless 词典解释

1. 没有骨气的;懦弱的
    If you say that someone is spineless, you mean that they are afraid to take action or oppose people when they should.

    e.g. ...bureaucrats and spineless politicians.

spineless 英英释义



1. lacking thorns

    Synonym: thornless

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2. lacking spiny processes

    e.g. spineless fins

3. weak in willpower, courage or vitality

    Synonym: namby-pamby gutless wishy-washy

4. spineless在线翻译

4. lacking a backbone or spinal column

    e.g. worms are an example of invertebrate animals

    Synonym: invertebrate