
spirits ['spɪrɪts]  ['spɪrɪts] 




spirits 基本解释

名词灵魂; 灵魂; 情绪; 情绪; 精灵; 神灵; 兴致; 精神( spirit的名词复数 )

spirits 网络解释

1. 烈性酒:英国人爱吃肉,如牛肉(beef),羊肉(mutton)鸡肉(chicken),野味等. 每餐都吃水果,进餐时喝酒,他们爱喝啤酒(beer),葡萄酒(wine)和烈性酒(spirits). 英国人口味清淡、鲜嫩

2. 精神:第一次让丹麦观众看到了东方长箫和西方竖笛、吉他的完美结合. 2007年12月中国中央电视台音乐频道播放了他们在哥本哈根著名的新嘉士伯艺术馆举行的音乐会专题片. 此后出版的音乐专辑<<精神>>(Spirits)在中国和丹麦都赢得了关注.

3. 醑剂:四、醑剂 (一)概述 醑剂(spirits)系指挥发性药物的乙醇溶液. 凡用于制备芳香水剂的药物一般都可以制成醑剂,供外用或内服. 由于挥发性药物在乙醇中的溶解度一般均比在水中大,所以醑剂的浓度比芳香水剂大得多,为5%~20%.

spirits 单语例句

1. However, living in the center under the care of professional psychologists has lifted her spirits.

2. It does not have the sharp hit of white spirits on nose and guts, but possesses a deceiving subtlety that may catch the novice unawares.

3. spirits

3. His words to Chavez were spoken slowly - and he appeared to catch on a few words - but he was in good spirits.

4. spirits的翻译

4. A recent visitor was the international jazz band Blood Drum Spirits, who have a CD release and have been touring China.

5. A subtly lit spirits cellar at Atmosphere's entrance provides a hint of icy cool and ethereal elegance.

6. Prince Naruhito recently spoke out against the pressure on his dejected wife, asking for her to be granted a more challenging role when she regains her spirits.

7. The new venture comes five years after Moet Hennessy acquired Wenjun, a producer of Chinese white spirits in Sichuan province.

8. Many artists have chosen to make sculptures that reflect the spirits and desires of people in their respective homelands.

9. He has published a collection of photos titled " Hundreds Facets of Chrysanthemum Spirits ", featuring some 590 top varieties of chrysanthemum in China.

10. Yet much remains unknown about the CIA's highly classified detention and interrogation practices, particularly when it grabs foreigners and spirits them away to other countries.

spirits 英英释义



1. spirits是什么意思

1. an alcoholic beverage that is distilled rather than fermented

    Synonym: liquor booze hard drink hard liquor John Barleycorn strong drink