splash guard

splash guard [splæʃ ɡɑ:d]  [splæʃ ɡɑrd] 

splash guard 基本解释

splash guard的解释


splash guard 网络解释

splash guard的近义词

1. 挡泥板:splash down 溅落 | splash guard 挡泥板 | splash headline 大字标题

2. 防溅罩:splash back溅射回来 | splash guard防溅罩 | spline薄片

3. 防溅板:Spigoted joint 插管接头 | Splash guard 防溅板 | Spray overlap 交错喷水

4. 防喷溅护板:splash guard 防溅板 | splash guard 防喷溅护板 | splash lubricate 用飞溅润滑法润滑...

splash guard 英英释义


1. splash guard的解释

1. a curved piece above the wheel of a bicycle or motorcycle to protect the rider from water or mud thrown up by the wheels

    Synonym: mudguard splash-guard