
spleen [spli:n]  [splin] 



spleen 基本解释


名词脾; 怒气; 怨气

spleen 网络解释

1. 脾:淋巴结中的B 细胞可识别和结合游离的或被滤泡树突状细胞(FDC)脾(spleen)是胚胎时期的造血器官,自骨髓开始造血后,脾演变成人体最大的1. 白髓 白髓(white pulp)为密集的淋巴组织,由围绕中央动脉而分布的动和脾血窦(splenic sinus)组成.

2. 脾脏:淋巴结(lymph node)为圆形淋巴器官,直径在1cm左右(见图),脾脏(spleen)是体内最大的淋巴器官,富含血管. 它也分为皮质(白髓)和髓质(红髓)两部分. 入脾的动脉分支贯穿白髓部分的小梁中成为中央小动脉,在小动脉周围的淋巴鞘是T细胞的居留地.

3. 撕破脸(撕破脸皮,恼火) 坏脾气;怒气:spin,丝拼,纺织;纺 | spleen,撕破脸(撕破脸皮,恼火). 坏脾气;怒气 | split,撕破裂它(撕破裂开了),裂开;分离的

4. 脾脏,坏脾气:languish 憔悴,凋萎,衰弱 anguish 使极为痛苦 | spleen 脾脏,坏脾气 | abiding 永久的,持久的,不变的

spleen 词典解释

1. 脾;脾脏
    Your spleen is an organ near your stomach that controls the quality of your blood.

2. 大发脾气;大怒
    Spleen is great and bitter anger.

    e.g. Paul Fussell's latest book vents his spleen against everything he hates about his country...
    e.g. There were other targets for Mr Livingston's spleen.

spleen 单语例句

1. spleen在线翻译

1. A TCM pattern for the case is called Disharmony of Stomach and Spleen.

2. spleen在线翻译

2. But he lacerated his spleen in the following round against Pittsburgh, requiring a stay in intensive care and ending his stint with the Rangers.

3. Fasting is also unwise, especially for people who have a weak spleen and stomach or low blood sugar.

4. Doctors amputated Shaw's forearm and removed her spleen during emergency surgery.

5. And patients with a weak spleen or stomach will vomit or their situation will become worse if they have drugs with bile.

6. Doctors were forced to amputate Shaw's forearm and remove her spleen during emergency surgery, according to local media.

7. Lin was later diagnosed with rupture of the spleen, which legal medical expert say constitutes heavy injury to human body.

8. She had minor injury on the left chest and damage to the spleen.

9. A man who destroyed four public telephones to vent his spleen after a quarrel with his girlfriend has been sentenced to four years in prison.

10. Tampa Bay Buccaneers quarterback Chris Simms had his spleen removed in 2006 after it ruptured and has returned to the National Football League.

spleen 英英释义


1. a large dark-red oval organ on the left side of the body between the stomach and the diaphragm
    produces cells involved in immune responses

    Synonym: lien

2. spleen的解释

2. a feeling of resentful anger

    Synonym: irascibility short temper quick temper