
spoils [spɔɪlz]  [spɔɪlz] 




过去分词:spoilt; spoiled


过去式:spoilt; spoiled

spoils 基本解释
<正>战利品,赃物;破坏;变质( spoil的第三人称单数 );损坏;毁掉;
spoils 网络解释

1. 赃:政党经竞选胜利取得执政机会,在政务职位之分赃(spoils)乃是当然. 至如两党以上联合执政,姑不论政策主张、制度规划之协调或妥协,在政务职位之分配,以取得政策发言权或执行权,亦属必然或必要.

2. 废品,次品:Speckle 斑点,小白点 | Spoils 废品,次品 | Spot check 抽查

3. 掠夺物 战利品:plunder 掠夺物 | spoils 掠夺物 战利品 | booty 战利品

4. 战利品:all in all 大体来说,总的来说 | spoils 战利品 | acrimony n. 毒辣,尖刻,讥讽

spoils 单语例句

1. spoils什么意思

1. The former bankers laundered a portion of their spoils by depositing more than $ 3 million in Las Vegas casino safes.

2. The " coercive " consumption of ads spoils many customers'appreciation of a movie, according to Hou.

3. Germany turned a profit of US $ 116 million from the World Cup, but now others want a share of the spoils.

4. Sometimes a tiny flaw that is hidden in an otherwise perfect effort spoils the party.

5. The poor air quality spoils Beijing's image and endangers people's lives.

6. danci.911chaxun.com

6. Hong Kong's retail and tourism sectors will not be the only ones to share the spoils of an appreciated yuan.

7. But striker Bai Jie slotted home to even the score just after the break and scrape a share of the spoils in an uninspired effort.

8. A point was also enough to mean safety for both Torino and Livorno after they shared the spoils in a tense goalless draw.

9. But authentic players thumb their noses at such behaviour, saying it spoils the true spirit of the game.

10. After receiving a number of similar complaints, the police tracked the suspects to a hotel where they were busy sharing the spoils.