
spoilt [spɔɪlt]  [spɔɪlt] 





过去分词:spoilt; spoiled

过去式:spoilt; spoiled

spoilt 基本解释

形容词(孩子)宠坏的; 惯坏的; (食物)变质的; spoil的过去式和过去分词

动词破坏; 损坏; 变质( spoil的过去式和过去分词 ); 毁掉

spoilt 网络解释


1. 损坏:spoilsport 扫兴者 | spoilt 损坏 | spoke 轮辐

2. 被宠坏的:charming 可爱的,迷人的 | spoilt 被宠坏的 | sociable 好交际的

spoilt 词典解释


spoilt 单语例句

1. It is true that Chinese consumers are spoilt for choice as competition for their attention continues to intensify.

2. The prospect of losing the services of their prolific striker Adriano spoilt what was another excellent display from Parma at Brescia.

3. Face recognition is superior to fingerprint recognition because fingerprints can be duplicated or spoilt.

4. And you are spoilt for choice if you want to visit a place close to the city.

5. Pet dogs in Hong Kong are pampered, spoilt and kitted out in designer gear.

6. Shopping in Beijing is an easy task now that the city has so much to offer that one is spoilt for choices.

7. " Giving'hong bao'has become a financial burden for parents while children become spoilt, " he added.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

8. After the show all the dishes were dusted since they had become spoilt.

9. I have come across some spoilt city brats whose parents carry children's bags or hire nannies to carry their kids'school bags.

10. Steve Irwin gets up close to Rupert who is living out his days in the " Spoilt Bear " enclosure.

spoilt 英英释义


1. affected by blight
    anything that mars or prevents growth or prosperity

    e.g. a blighted rose
           blighted urban districts

    Synonym: blighted

2. (of foodstuffs) not in an edible or usable condition

    e.g. bad meat
           a refrigerator full of spoilt food

    Synonym: bad spoiled

3. having the character or disposition harmed by pampering or oversolicitous attention

    e.g. a spoiled child

    Synonym: spoiled