1. 像运动员一样的:childlike 天真无邪的 | sportsmanlike 像运动员一样的 | warlike 好战的,好斗的
2. 有运动员精神的:sportsman 运动家 | sportsmanlike 有运动员精神的 | sportsmanship 运动家精神
3. 要有体育精神点:We face each other as God intended.|我们在上帝的谕旨下碰面 | Sportsmanlike.|要有体育精神点 | No tricks, no weapons. Skill against skill alone.|不耍花招,不用武器. 技术对技术
4. 具有运动员风格的:sportsendlinesportsendline 端线 | sportsmanlike 具有运动员风格的 | sportsmanship 运动家精神
1. It just doesn't feel very sportsmanlike.
2. My way is not very sportsmanlike.
3. The atmosphere of the European competitions is nice, loyal, and sportsmanlike without fans against you.
4. N Ajacied is involved is society and he is honest and sportsmanlike. Both in daily life and on and around the pitch.
5. Both Clubs are being very professional and sportsmanlike in the days leading up to kick-off at the Calderón.
6. Winners recognize other's success with sportsmanlike conduct, while at the same time exhibiting an air of confidence that they, and their team, will realize their own great achievements.
7. Do all in its power to protect and advance the interests of the breed by encouraging sportsmanlike competition at dog shows and obedience trials.
8. Both Clubs are being very professional and sportsmanlike in the days leading up to kick-off at the Calder ó n.
9. His behaviour on the football pitch has always been very sportsmanlike.
10. But due to this sportsmanlike attitude.
11. Participants must accept referees'decisions with sportsmanlike conduct, without disputing them.