spread like wildfire

spread like wildfire [spred laik ˈwaɪldˌfaɪə]  [sprɛd laɪk ˈwaɪldˌfaɪr] 

spread like wildfire 基本解释

spread like wildfire的翻译

动词不胫而走; 像野火般迅速传播; 势如燎原

spread like wildfire 网络解释

1. 迅速传播:spread it on thick 夸大 | spread like wildfire 迅速传播 | spread oneself thin 试图同时干太多的工作

2. 不胫而走:off the top of one's head 不假思索 | spread like wildfire 不胫而走 | not in the same league 不可同日而语

spread like wildfire 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. Cameras recorded the entire process of her taking off her coat, and the photos were soon put online and spread like wildfire.

2. These countries'exports to America will dry up, which in turn will spread the global economic downturn like wildfire.

3. spread like wildfire的近义词

3. Michael Jackson's legion of Chinese fans wept across the Chinese mainland on Friday as news of his sudden death spread like wildfire.

4. They spread like wildfire across news sites, social media networks and Twitter.

5. Although fish ponds and shrimp ponds have " spread like wildfire along the coast, " he still saw quite a lot of shorebirds in the estuaries.

6. spread like wildfire的近义词

6. It is because the conflict threatens to spread like wildfire across a region enraged by Israel's destruction of an Arab country.

7. Inflation would have spread like wildfire and nullified whatever gains we have made in reducing poverty.

8. The news spread like wildfire and within an hour there was a queue getting on for 50 people.

9. spread like wildfire

9. The design posted by Mak on the Internet spread like wildfire in cyberspace on Thursday, just after the passing of Jobs.

10. spread like wildfire

10. Radio disc jockeys were banned from playing Clegg's music, but the live performances spread like wildfire.