spread over

spread over [spred ˈəuvə]  [sprɛd ˈovɚ] 

spread over 基本解释
spread over 网络解释

1. 遍布在......,延长,持续:for the reasons given above 由于上述原因 | spread over 遍布在......,延长,持续 | or so 大约

2. 传遍,遍布,覆盖:speed up使加速 | spread over传遍,遍布,覆盖 | stand by支持,帮助,站在一边;袖手旁观

3. 遍布;覆盖:148. far-reaching 意义深远的;影响很大的 | 149. spread over 遍布;覆盖 | 150. arise from 由...产生的;由...带来的

4. 传播;流传:14.appoint sb. as... 委派;任命某人为...... | 15.spread over 传播;流传 | 16.a great deal of 大量;许多(用于不可数名词)

spread over 单语例句

1. These investments in cast iron will be spread over the next three years.

2. The center will be spread over 100 square meters and divided into a sales zone and a tasting zone.

3. Chlorine leaking from the tank spread all over several nearby villages, poisoning more than 300 villagers and claiming two lives.

4. Some French media poured oil over flames and sparked a more wide spread indignation among the Chinese by their distorted reporting and fabricated news coverage.

5. spread over的解释

5. A customer set off firecracker near the market and caused the fire that quickly spread to over 140 stalls in the market.

6. The team was divided into 55 groups spread over dozens of counties near the Yellow River estuary.

7. Spread over 33 hectares, the base is home to 67 pandas and is surrounded by evergreen bamboo forests.

8. spread over

8. The heated debate over whether Chinese or Western mothers are superior has spread far and wide around the world.

9. spread over的近义词

9. It's important to spread this goodness out over the day, so that the body can absorb it all gradually.

10. A gentle smile spread over his face when he said he wanted to buy some candies and stationery for his granddaughter.

spread over 英英释义


1. form a cover over

    e.g. The grass covered the grave

    Synonym: cover