spread to

spread to [spred tu:]  [sprɛd tu] 

spread to 基本解释
spread to 单语例句

1. To stay healthy, only lightly spread your bread with margarine or butter.

2. spread to什么意思

2. My guess was that the owner wanted to spread the concept of the diet promoted by the restaurant more widely.

3. Initial investigations show that the fire was triggered by lightening strikes and it had spread to 16 square km in the country's largest forest zone.

4. spread to

4. The techniques of making them spread by word of mouth from masters to apprentices so there are few records about them.

5. spread to在线翻译

5. Hepatitis C is viral and is mainly transmitted through contact with contaminated blood, although it can also spread through sexual contact and from mother to child during delivery.

6. The rest of the passengers are then brought in as three groups, sorted in an attempt to spread them out more evenly through the cabin.

7. The annual holiday in May was cut short to three days last year, with the other four spread throughout the calendar for other traditional festivals.

8. spread to是什么意思

8. Doctors activate the enamel and spread a special glue on the teeth before putting small diamonds on the surface and heating to fix them.

9. The cameraman is said to have been recovering and have been discharged from hospital, even as officials ruled out risks from the spread of the disease.

10. spread to的意思

10. Chemotherapy is to treat any tumor that has spread or to kill stray cancerous cells that might seed a new tumor.