spring chicken

spring chicken [spriŋ ˈtʃikin]  [sprɪŋ ˈtʃɪkən] 

第三人称复数:spring chickens

spring chicken 基本解释


spring chicken 相关例句

spring chicken


1. Grandpa said he's no spring chicken.

spring chicken 网络解释

1. 童子鸡:本公司为扬州一家西餐厅,长期大量的需求鳕鱼(silver cob)、三文鱼(salmon),以及美国进口的童子鸡(spring chicken)、美国进口猪排(baby back ribs)

2. 春天的小鸡:10.Happy birthday 生日快乐 | 11.Spring chicken 春天的小鸡 | 12.Please don't buy me a ... 请别给我买

3. 年轻的少女:sacred cow 不可冒犯的人或物 | spring chicken 年轻的少女 | lame duck 即将卸任的官员

spring chicken 词典解释

1. 不再年轻;青春不再
    If you say that someone is no spring chicken, you are saying that they are not young.

    e.g. At 85, he is no spring chicken, but Henry Cook is busier than ever.
           亨利·库克已 85 岁,不再年轻了,但他比以往更加忙碌。

spring chicken 单语例句

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1. He says foods that raise energy in spring include sprouts and the liver of chicken, pork and lamb to replenish energy in the liver.

2. Boiled spring chicken is flavored with fresh Chinese pepper to add a nice fragrance, and green tea is used to make it less greasy.

3. Boiled chicken with fresh Sichuan pepper has fresh spring onion and chili on top.

4. Spring chicken is what the southern Chinese refer to birds which are younger than three months.

5. spring chicken的反义词

5. Peking duck, roast lamb or crispy spring chicken have always been regarded as dishes for special occasions.

spring chicken 英英释义

spring chicken的翻译


1. a young chicken having tender meat

2. a young person (especially a young man or boy)

    Synonym: young person youth younker