spring flood

spring flood[spriŋ flʌd] 

spring flood 基本解释
spring flood 网络解释

1. 春汛:spring fen 泉水沼泽 | spring flood 春汛 | spring frost 晚霜

2. 春洪,春汛:spring flexibility ==> 弹簧挠性 | spring flood ==> 春洪,春汛 | spring flood forecasting ==> 春汛预报

spring flood 单语例句

1. The drought has also hampered spring harvest efforts, according to the Office of State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters.

2. spring flood

2. The Lantern festival and flower show are held downtown each spring, which can attract a flood of tourists.

3. Authorities had warned residents to be on guard against spring flood, which would be hazardous when the temperature climbs.

4. spring flood什么意思

4. With spring approaching, a flood of weddings again sweeps across China.