
spurt [spɜ:t]  [spɜ:rt] 









spurt 基本解释


名词(怒气,精力等的)迸发; 突然喷出

spurt 相关例句


1. The runner spurted for the line.

2. Blood spurted from the wound .

3. Blood spurted out from the wound.

4. Water spurted from the broken pipe.

spurt 网络解释


1. 喷出,喷射:spurious 假的,伪造的 | spurt 喷出,喷射 | sputum 痰

2. 喷射:spurt out 喷出 | spurt 喷射 | sputa 口水

3. 奋进:spurious signal 伪信号 | spurt 奋进 | spurt 喷射

4. 喷出:spurt test 超负荷试验 | spurt 喷出 | squad boss 作业班班长

spurt 词典解释

1. (使)喷射;(使)喷发
    When liquid or fire spurts from somewhere, or when something spurts liquid or fire, it comes out quickly in a thin, powerful stream.

    e.g. They spurted blood all over me. I nearly passed out...
    e.g. He hit her on the head, causing her too to spurt blood.

2. spurt

2. (喷射出的)一股
    A spurt of liquid is a stream of it which comes out of something very forcefully.

    e.g. A spurt of diesel came from one valve and none from the other.

3. (行动、努力、感情的)迸发
    A spurt of activity, effort, or emotion is a sudden, brief period of intense activity, effort, or emotion.

    e.g. At adolescence, muscles go through a growth spurt...
    e.g. I flushed bright red as a spurt of anger flashed through me...

4. 突然加速前进;冲刺
    If someone or something spurts somewhere, they suddenly increase their speed for a short while in order to get there.

    e.g. The back wheels spun and the van spurted up the last few feet.

5. 时有时无;一阵一阵地
    If something happens in spurts, there are periods of activity followed by periods in which it does not happen.

    e.g. The deals came in spurts: three in 1977, none in 1978, three more in 1979.
           交易时有时无:1977 年有 3 笔,1978 年没有,1979 年又有 3 笔。

spurt 单语例句

1. Analysts said the speculative buying of oil is the major force behind the current oil price spurt and it will not last very long.

2. And a spurt of credit extension in January shows that the country's central bank is not short of policy tools to ensure liquidity supply.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

3. It captures a spurt of enthusiasm and it also does an excellent job of defining the end of the trend with an exact date.

4. Marion punctuated the spurt with a flying dunk after driving from the side.

5. danci.911cha.com

5. China's growth spurt has made it the world's second largest economy after the US, measured in gross domestic product.

6. spurt什么意思

6. When the water is discharged, tremendous fountains spurt from the valves with a thunderous roar.

7. When a viewer approaches, a spurt of water flows into the bowl.

8. The death toll is the highest in internal Palestinian violence in a single spurt of violence since Hamas'rise to power a year ago.

9. Economists predict a growth spurt in coming decades led by emerging nations that will be strong enough to boost developed economies.

10. spurt的解释

10. Observers say there is a spurt in suicides just before festivals when children ask their parents for new clothes.

spurt 英英释义



1. the occurrence of a sudden discharge (as of liquid)

    Synonym: jet squirt spirt


1. move or act with a sudden increase in speed or energy

    Synonym: forge spirt

2. gush forth in a sudden stream or jet

    e.g. water gushed forth

    Synonym: spirt gush spout