
sputter [ˈspʌtə(r)]  [ˈspʌtɚ] 








sputter 基本解释

名词喷溅声; 劈啪声; 急语; 咕哝

动词唾沫飞溅; 发劈啪声; 喷出; 飞溅出

sputter 相关例句


1. He sputtered incoherently in his anger.

2. The candle sputtered out.

3. The candle sputtered for a moment.


1. The engine gave a sputter and died.

sputter 网络解释

1. 溅射:这种膜是用磁控溅射(SPUTTER)最新工艺,将钛铂等贵重金属喷射到无色原膜层的两面. 使这种膜具有双层金属. 因而低反光,保持车内恒温,降低油耗. 而且颜色晶莹透明,具有单向透光特点,从内外视,晶莹透明,由外内视,若隐若现,

2. 溅镀机:厚度为100nm.经过晶圆清洗后以直流溅镀机(DC Sputtering)沉积50nm之非晶矽薄膜.非晶矽膜沉积条件如表3.所示.接著以高真空...MEA的制作拟使用溅镀机(sputter)沉积奈米级的触媒层(catalyst)在Nafion 117/or Nafion 112上,

3. 电镀:此产品清晰度最佳,耐久性最好,隔热功能亦强,但施工上透气较慢、乾燥时间需要较长的时间(1~2星期),且为金属粒本色, 颜色选择不多只有深、浅、自然色与茶色,因此价格为一般隔热膜数倍之多,故市场上真正的真空电镀( SPUTTER )产品并不多, 是隔热纸的顶级产品,

4. 喷溅:tack welding 平头焊接 | sputter 喷溅 | scale 废料

sputter 词典解释

1. sputter

1. (发动机)发出噼啪声;(火焰)发出毕剥声
    If something such as an engine or a flame sputters, it works or burns in an uneven way and makes a series of soft popping sounds.

    e.g. The truck sputtered and stopped...
    e.g. Engines sputtered to life again...

2. danci.911cha.com

2. (过程、行动或事态)缓慢不稳地进行,慢慢结束
    If a process, action, or state of affairs sputters, it progresses slowly and unevenly or starts to end.

    e.g. The economy is already sputtering, with low or no growth...
    e.g. The battle sputtered to a halt in mid-October...
           战斗于 10 月中旬渐渐停了下来。

3. (尤指因生气、震惊或激动)结结巴巴地说话,语无伦次地说话
    If you sputter, you speak with difficulty and make short sounds, especially because you are angry, shocked, or excited.

    e.g. Stunned, I sputtered, 'What do you mean?'...
    e.g. Our father's face had reddened with rage and he began to sputter...

sputter 单语例句

1. The customs forecast that the growth of vehicle imports will continue to slow down in the next three to four months as sales sputter.

sputter 英英释义



1. an utterance (of words) with spitting sounds (as in rage)

    Synonym: splutter

2. the noise of something spattering or sputtering explosively

    e.g. he heard a spatter of gunfire

    Synonym: spatter spattering splatter splattering splutter sputtering


1. spit up in an explosive manner

    Synonym: splutter spit out

2. sputter在线翻译

2. cause to undergo a process in which atoms are removed

    e.g. The solar wind protons must sputter away the surface atoms of the dust

3. utter with a spitting sound, as if in a rage

    Synonym: splutter

4. climb awkwardly, as if by scrambling

    Synonym: clamber scramble shin shinny skin struggle

5. make an explosive sound

    e.g. sputtering engines