1. 痰液:培养基准备妥当之后,我就跟著学姊到OPD收检体进来,大部份都是血液检体培养(Blood)较多;其次为痰液(Sputum)、尿液(Urine)、直肠拭子(Rectal swab)、脓(Pus)、伤口(Wound)、鼻咽检体(Nasopharyngeal)、咽喉检体(Throat)、胆汁(Bile)、
2. 痰涎:Sprinkler 洒水装置 | Sputum 痰涎 | Squash 压片
3. 唾液:sputter 喷溅声 | sputum 唾液 | spy into 侦查
1. sputum的翻译
1. 痰
Sputum is the wet substance which is coughed up from someone's lungs.
1. His serum and sputum were tested for bird flu within days of his being admitted to hospital but the first tests proved negative.
2. TB is currently detected through sputum tests that are costly and take several days.
3. He has difficulties breathing and coughs sputum every night though he has never smoked, he said.
4. In the lab, the rats use their keen noses to positively identify tuberculosis sputum samples.
1. expectorated matter
saliva mixed with discharges from the respiratory passages
in ancient and medieval physiology it was believed to cause sluggishness
Synonym: phlegm