square off

square off [skwɛə ɔf]  [skwɛr ɔf] 

square off 基本解释
square off 网络解释

square off

1. 平盘 未平仓的合约:445. spurious correlation 伪关联 | 446. square off 平盘 未平仓的合约 | 447. stagflation 滞胀

2. 摆出自卫或攻击的架式:cantina n.小酒店, 酒吧,挂在鞍头的袋子 | square off 摆出自卫或攻击的架式 | pair off v.成对而去, 分成一对一对

3. 把...做成方形; (打斗等时)摆好(架势):633. on the spur of the moment 一时冲动之下,当即 | 634. square off 把...做成方形; (打斗等时)摆好(架势) | square up 付清,结帐

4. 摆好姿势:square meter 平方米 | square off 摆好姿势 | square peg in a round hole 不合适的人或东西

square off 单语例句

1. " We did cordon off the square for precautionary reasons but it was a hoax, " the police official said.

2. Samsung and Apple will square off in a more significant US court hearing next month about an injunction case.

3. A square is cut from the middle of the crunchy toast and lifted off as a lid that then sits on top of the filling.

4. danci.911cha.com

4. Langer worked him for two boundaries in that over, one whipped off his toes behind square and the other an edge through the slips.

5. Commuters had to get off at either Xidan or Wangfujing station when they tried to visit the grandly decorated square.

6. square off

6. Turn off the bustling strip onto a narrow lane and look out for a small, neon pink square marking your destination.

7. square off

7. The lanes leading off from the main square and the Id Kah Mosque remain in an antiquated bubble.

8. But Weir birdied 17 to square the match and won 18 after Woods found swampy water off the tee.

9. Police on motorcycles chased rioters amid scenes of chaos at Athens'main Syntagma Square, with youths punching and kicking officers pushed off their bikes.

10. square off在线翻译

10. Urban 18 is just across the street from the Shanghai Grand Theater, off the western edge of People's Square.

square off 英英释义


1. settle conclusively
    come to terms

    e.g. We finally settled the argument

    Synonym: settle square up determine