square root

square root [skwɛə ru:t]  [skwɛr rut] 

square root什么意思

第三人称复数:square roots

square root 基本解释
square root 网络解释

1. 二次方根,平方根:开方 evolution, extraction | 二次方根,平方根 square root | 三次方根,立方根 cube root

2. 平方根;二次根:square number 正方形数;平方数 | square root 平方根;二次根 | squeeze theorem 迫近定理

3. square root:sqr; 二进制平方根指令

square root 单语例句

1. But if a square root calculation was applied, the ratio between the two countries would be far narrower.

square root 英英释义


1. a number that when multiplied by itself equals a given number