





squirms 基本解释
难为情;蠕动( squirm的第三人称单数 );扭曲身体;不舒服;
squirms 双语例句

1. When the iron paw of Brooks's six-legged Genghis hunts for a place to grip, I see not workers relieved of robotic jobs, but joyful baby squirms of a new organism.

2. My soul squirms comfortably in the soil and sand and is happy.


3. Joe, a sullen, crew-cut kid who is already smoking, squirms with embarrassment.

4. In macro view, thing squirms and turns in realm of the Tao but it could not jump out of the realm of the Tao.

5. Amendment 99 In macro view, thing squirms and turns in realm of the Tao but it could not jump out of the realm of the Tao.
    宏 观地看,它们都是在道的范围里蠕动、翻滚。但是,终不能跳出如来佛的手掌心。


6. A selforganizing form created by the GROWTH Model represents a creature that sensually moans and squirms and might have existed in the evolutionary past or that may appear in the distant future.


7. Two-year-old Aldi yanks on his mother's hair and squirms in her arms. Tears formed a small pool in the folds of his double chin.


8. ADHD kids have a hard time with working memory because they lack adequate cortical arousal, and Rapport believes that their squirms and fidgets help stimulate that arousal.
    ADHD 儿童由于缺乏合适的大脑皮层刺激而有工作记忆问题,拉坡相信他们的蠕动和坐立不安有利于刺激大脑皮层。

9. But he squirms when asked about anything remotely related to fame or fortune or even his age.

squirms 单语例句

1. My stomach squirms each time I see the CCTV ad featuring a foreigner speaking strangely toned Chinese in praise of a digestion enhancement Chinese medicine.