

squirrelling 双语例句

1. Asians (and Germans too-see article), have been squirrelling their money away with excessive enthusiasm.

2. Asians (and Germans too—see article), have been squirrelling their money away with excessive enthusiasm. But other countries` citizens have been putting too little aside for their old age.

3. Their children must slog on towards an infinitely receding retirement age, squirrelling away money for their meagre defined-contribution pensions as a growing proportion of state spending is devoted to the needs of a massive generation of the elderly.

4. Even during her last weeks, I found myself squirrelling away her words, all her distinctive expressions: " I love you to death " and " Is that our wind I hear? "

5. He and his family rent a squalid old apartment by the river for under US $ 50 per month, squirrelling away what they can in the hope of finding something better.


6. Even during her last weeks, I found myself squirrelling away her words, all her distinctive expressions: " I love you to death " and " Is that our wind I hear?"