
staccato [stəˈkɑ:təʊ]  [stəˈkɑ:toʊ] 


第三人称复数:staccati; staccatos

staccato 基本解释


副词& 形容词<音>以断音(的),以断奏方式(的)

名词断奏的曲乐段,断唱; (品牌)思加图

staccato 网络解释

1. 断奏:一种介乎连奏(legato)与断奏(staccato)之间的演奏方法,记谱如或,(1)用于钢琴等键盘乐器上实为半断奏(meao staccato)或半连奏(mezzo legato),如但有人误称此为portamento.

2. 断音:前2个4小节,是小调、断音(staccato)的,音乐短促,仿佛犹豫不决、原地踏步;后2个4小节是大调、连音(legato)的,音乐推开,终於跨步出去,号角与鼓声宣告著「虽千万人吾往矣」.

3. 断弓:常用的弓法可分为分弓(DETACHE)、连弓(LEGATO)、断弓(STACCATO)这三种,以及一种震音弓法--碎弓. 这种弓法为一音一弓,用上弓与下弓交替演奏,演奏时弓子不离开琴弦. 根据用弓的长短与部位又可分为大分弓、中分弓和小分弓.

4. 顿音:他们的姿态一往无前,立即吸引住我. 华尔兹向下动作非常有力,接着就是一个大的猛扑动作的摆动抓住观众. 狐步的音乐感非常流畅. 探戈线条清晰,顿挫动作像顿音(staccato)一样达到了超级水平,他们的快步舞简直像飞起来一样,论水平堪称一绝.

staccato 词典解释

1. staccato的解释

1. (噪音)断断续续的,短促不连贯的
    A staccato noise consists of a series of short, sharp, separate sounds.

    e.g. He spoke in Arabic, a short staccato burst.
    e.g. ...the staccato chattering of several machine-guns.

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2. (乐谱上)以断音,以断奏方式
    The instruction staccato on a piece of music means that the notes should be played or sung very briefly with gaps between them.

staccato 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. This is staccato Carrey, throwing in lines and rubbery faces in between the kid movie machinations.

staccato 英英释义



1. (music) marked by or composed of disconnected parts or sounds
    cut short crisply

    e.g. staccato applause
           a staccato command
           staccato notes

    Synonym: disconnected


1. separating the notes
    in music

    e.g. play this staccato, please