名词成年牡鹿; 阉过的雄畜[牛,猪]; [商]非会员股票经纪人; 非真心投资,遇有利机会即行出售股票的认股者
不及物动词不带女伴参加晚会; [商]〈俚〉买进新股(等)见利即抛; 〈英〉监视,盯梢,告发; 截短长裤
形容词全是男人(集会等)的; 无异性伴侣的
1. Stags usually have antlers.
1. 牡鹿:action/viewspace/itemid/60917/aid/138373[/url]),虽然不是第一件以照片为基础的作品,但是却体现了同一幅作品中并置两种描绘手法的创作倾向;同样的创作方法也体现在作品<<牡鹿>>(Stag)(图[url]http://blog.artron.net/?
2. 雄鹿:2007年成都女子世界杯和正在进行的2007团体世界杯赛场上,一个酷似STIGA(瑞典知名乒乓器材品牌斯帝卡)的商标STAG出现在了比赛场地上,这就是来自印度的雄鹿(STAG)乒乓品牌.
3. 鹿:太阳在天蝎座时,武仙座(Hercules)升起,该星座古希腊人称为鹿(stag),古罗马人把它与赫拉克勒斯联系起来. 而其附近又有天箭座(Sagitta),箭头正对着武仙座的那头鹿. 传说该箭乃阿尔忒弥斯所有. 实际上整个天蝎座星区都与猎神有很大渊源.
4. 投机新股者:spot price 现货价格 | stag 投机新股者 | stale cheque 过期支票
1. (成年的)牡鹿,雄鹿
A stag is an adult male deer belonging to one of the larger species of deer. Stags usually have large branch-like horns called antlers.
1. Attorney Stuart Smith from Smith Stag LLC of New Orleans confirmed the filing of the lawsuit to China Daily early on Tuesday morning.
2. Simon Cowell will be handcuffed to a lamppost on his stag party, if his potential best men have their way.
3. William's stag do could have proved a disaster for Harry as its organizer, laden with opportunities to lapse into old ways.
4. He once likened his singing voice to " the mating call of a rutting stag ".
5. It was the most civilized stag party ever, no crazy stuff at all - not even from Russell himself!
6. A stag party is an all male event often held just before a man gets married.
7. And Stringfellow admits he is thrilled Russell chose to host his stag party in his establishment.
8. SINGAPORE - Looking to tread terrain still untouched by foreign stag expeditions?
9. stag在线翻译
9. The most common way to commemorate the day is to throw a stag party.
10. Russell Brand's stag party was the " most civilized " bash ever, according to strip club owner Peter Stringfellow.