
staid [steɪd]  [sted] 

staid 基本解释



staid 相关例句



1. We think of the Puritans as staid people.

staid 网络解释

1. 认真的:stagy 做作的 | staid 认真的 | staidness 认真

2. 稳重的,沉着的:spectacular 壮观的,引人入胜的 | staid 稳重的,沉着的 | stalwart 稳健的,坚定的

3. 认真的/沉着的/固定的:stagy /戏剧般的/ | staid /认真的/沉着的/固定的/ | stakeholder /赌金保管者/

4. 稳重:reconcile 调和 | staid 稳重 | respectable 尊敬

staid 词典解释

1. 严肃的;无聊的;古板的
    If you say that someone or something is staid, you mean that they are serious, dull, and rather old-fashioned.

    e.g. ...a staid seaside resort.

staid 单语例句

1. And London's staid Gielgud Theatre was besieged every night at previews by adoring teenage fans of Radcliffe.

2. A waning interest in staid reports about government announcements has prompted CCTV to revamp its flagship news program.

3. The increased emphasis on video also could alienate some longtime users who revere Google for its traditionally staid results page.

4. staid

4. Bush's policies, and the Republicans'staid politics that had undercut Americans'prosperity and security.

5. staid在线翻译

5. In the opening sequence, he had a promising bit that poked fun at the show's increasingly staid reputation.

6. Their irresistible dance sound seems totally incongruous with their staid attire but the bizarre blend only adds to their unique appeal.

staid 英英释义


1. characterized by dignity and propriety

    Synonym: sedate