
stalwart [ˈstɔ:lwət]  [ˈstɔ:lwərt] 



stalwart 基本解释


形容词坚定的; 强壮的; 结实的; 可靠的

名词高大健壮的人; 忠实拥护者

stalwart 相关例句



1. They were all Government stalwarts.

stalwart 网络解释

1. 顽强的人:stallion 种马 | stalwart 顽强的人 | stamen 雄蕊

2. 健壮的坚定的:monarch =对君主的伤害 | naval =对海军的伤害 | stalwart =健壮的坚定的?

3. 雄壮/劲:stalmated /相持不下/ | stalwart /雄壮/劲/ | stamen /雄蕊/蕊/

4. 稳健的,坚定的:staid 稳重的,沉着的 | stalwart 稳健的,坚定的 | stentorian (指声音)极响亮的

stalwart 词典解释

1. (尤指某个政党的)忠实拥护者,坚定分子
    A stalwart is a loyal worker or supporter of an organization, especially a political party.

    e.g. His free-trade policies aroused suspicion among Tory stalwarts...
    e.g. Moving to Germany, he became a stalwart of the revered Kurt Edelhagen Orchestra.

2. 忠实的;坚定的;完全可靠的
    A stalwart supporter or worker is loyal, steady, and completely reliable.

    e.g. ...a stalwart supporter of the colonial government...
    e.g. The stalwart volunteers marched in this morning ready to go to work.

3. stalwart的解释

3. 强壮的;雄健的
    A stalwart man is strong.

    e.g. I knew I was never in any danger with my stalwart bodyguard around me.

stalwart 单语例句

1. They admire her stalwart demeanor, her elegant hats and the fairy tale fantasy her life represents.

2. Cup stalwart told reporters as the players practised at the K Club.

3. Recent polls indicate the British public holds Bush in generally low regard and views Blair's stalwart support for him as a liability.

4. Sheldon mostly wrote about stalwart women who triumph in a hostile world of ruthless men.

5. stalwart什么意思

5. Such talk may be the usual fiery rhetoric of a Hamas stalwart.

6. The former international stalwart has enjoyed his fair share of success and endured controversy in recent years.


7. Stalwart resistance from the Shanghai side ignited in Guangdong players an appetite for revenge.

8. stalwart的解释

8. He said that for the next year and a half, the United States will be a " stalwart partner " to the Iraqis.

9. stalwart的反义词

9. Massey worked most frequently in television and was a stalwart of British period dramas, often cast as a waspish spinster or maiden aunt.

stalwart 英英释义



1. a person who is loyal to their allegiance (especially in times of revolt)

    Synonym: loyalist


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1. used especially of persons

    e.g. a stalwart knight
           a stouthearted fellow who had an active career in the army

    Synonym: stouthearted

2. dependable

    e.g. the stalwart citizens at Lexington
           a stalwart supporter of the UN
           stout hearts

    Synonym: stout

3. having rugged physical strength
    inured to fatigue or hardships

    e.g. hardy explorers of northern Canada
           proud of her tall stalwart son
           stout seamen
           sturdy young athletes

    Synonym: hardy stout sturdy