
stance [stæns]  [stæns] 


stance 基本解释

名词态度,立场; 站姿,被放置的姿势; 位置; (运动员的)始发姿势

stance 网络解释


1. 站姿:2)两脚间距与站姿(Stance)时相同,或略向外打开. 3)抓杆(Club)的两臂向头顶抬起,同时,两腿下蹲,与地面平行,接着还原到准备姿势,反复练习. 此动作强化站位(Address)时所用到的脊椎、臀部(hip)和大腿后部的肌肉以及强化以稳定的姿势上杆

stance 词典解释

1. 态度;立场
    Your stance on a particular matter is your attitude to it.

    e.g. The Congress had agreed to reconsider its stance on the armed struggle...
    e.g. They have maintained a consistently neutral stance...


2. 站姿
    Your stance is the way that you are standing.

    e.g. Take a comfortably wide stance and flex your knees a little...
    e.g. The woman detective shifted her stance from one foot to another.

stance 单语例句

1. Though the document itself would not necessarily represent the stance of the Obama administration, it will act as guidance for the president to formulate his intelligence strategy.

2. stance的意思

2. He highlighted Putin's stance that any attempts to bypass the UN Security Council would be inefficient and only undermine the authority of the UN.

3. stance的解释

3. China has adopted a new and more activist stance at the international negotiations and at home reducing energy intensity is a serious new national priority.

4. stance的解释

4. US President Barack Obama has taken the public stance that Israel must halt all settlement activity under a 2003 peace " road map ".

5. The risks of inflation and the need to manage inflation expectations strengthen the case for normalizing the monetary stance.

6. I hope China will categorically outline her stance on vital international issues.

7. This cautious stance may look wise at a time when elevated government debt levels are causing severe financial and economic strain elsewhere in the world.

8. An official of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee reiterated the central government's stance in an interview with Xinhua yesterday.

9. Although the Israeli stance still falls short of Palestinian demands, the gesture could certainly bring the two sides one step closer.

10. stance的近义词

10. There was no change from the Tamil Tigers'stance with regard to Norwegian facilitation, he added.

stance 英英释义



1. standing posture

2. stance

2. a rationalized mental attitude

    Synonym: position posture