stand towering

stand towering

stand towering 双语例句

stand towering的近义词

1. The wuling mountain scenery, brisk, like fairyland, The ZanHuang albitite, alone, the next day, as the wall, The green hills, JieShi changli stand towering mountains, like, like, in addition to screen the diameter of shijiazhuang thunderings, sendai rocky mountain...

2. Some critics are questioning the speed of change and a lack of planning: The towering apartment complexes stand like a wall, cutting off the rest of Dubai from its coast.

3. The Chinese culture to the world and make the Chinese nation stand towering in world, national forest.


4. We believe firmly the outstanding design project, high quality making technology and specialized service can make your company`s advantage stand towering in numerous enterprises in the exhibition, and become a conspicuous enterprise among the industry.

stand towering的翻译

5. To make the Chinese Nation stand towering in world nation community, education shall be grasped well primarily.

6. While beside her, then stand tall with a towering pine trees, and his tall, he flourishes the number of visitors has caused some eyes, had given the children have been brought to laughter.

7. The hotel and its large swimming pool, flanked by towering water-chutes, stand out incongruously against the natural backdrop.

8. The main peak towering mountains stand all day, misty, silver waterfall plunging, magnificent; mountain flowers and herbs, pines and cypresses.

9. Onclear days when I stand on the deck looking up at the towering mast, theiron-grey cross, in my upward view, seems to be touching and pushingthe overarching sky.

10. Though they may be only as big as the mouth of bowl, they strive to grow upwards until they reach the towering height of some twenty feet and stand indomitable against the northwest wind.

11. You stand on any corner of the city, could see the towering walls.

12. " Thousands of pinnacles stand towering around; a river winds its way aBout the city. " This is a vivid description of Guilin scenery.

13. " Thousands of pinnacles stand towering around; a river winds its way aBout the city. " This is a vivid description of Guilin scenery.

stand towering 单语例句

1. In a corn field near the Guanting reservoir in suburban Beijing stand 33 towering white wind towers.