
standardize [ˈstændədaɪz]  [ˈstændərdaɪz] 





standardize 基本解释

及物动词使标准化; 用标准校检

standardize 相关例句



1. Efforts to standardize English spellings have not been completely successful.

standardize 网络解释


1. 标准化:并返回各自的岗位. 这部分培训内容的重点是5S和可视化. 5S是最基本的精益制造实践,代表了企业中实现精益制造的基础目标. 这5个S分别代表有序(sort)、直接(straighten)、坚决(scrub)、 标准化(standardize)和持久性(sustain).

2. 规范:常规范 (Standardize)e. 常自律 (Self-discipline)香港基督少年军之友奖学金计划是特别为资助及奖励基督少年军队员,在校内成绩有明显进步,在分队内表现良好,并获队长推荐. 此计划现已接受报名,请情敬请参阅附件,截止日期为本年10月31日(星期三).

3. 清 洁:如浦东发展银行上海分行持续推广6S(指整理(Sort)、整顿(Set right)、清扫(Sweep)、清洁(Standardize)、安全(Safe)、素养(Self-discipline)管理工作,营造清净整洁、明亮舒适的营业和工作环境,培养员工的自我管理意识和奉献意识,提高运营工作效率,

4. 返回正态化数值:SMALL 返回数据集中的第K个最小值 | STANDARDIZE 返回正态化数值 | STDEV 估计样本的标准偏差

standardize 词典解释
in BRIT, also use 英国英语亦用 standardise

1. 使标准化;使合乎标准
    To standardize things means to change them so that they all have the same features.

    e.g. There is a drive both to standardise components and to reduce the number of models on offer...
    e.g. He feels standardized education does not benefit those children who are either below or above average intelligence.

...the standardisation of working hours in Community countries.
standardize 单语例句

1. Taiwan's tourism association has also issued regulation to standardize the business practice in receiving mainland travelers.

2. We will conscientiously carry out the Administrative Permission Law and further review, standardize and streamline administrative examination and approval procedures.

3. standardize的近义词

3. Experts and insiders say the rules could protect both investors'interests and the public interest, standardize the chartered operation market and make it easier to invest.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. The circular asked all departments to standardize driving rules to conserve gasoline, with a goal of cutting usage about 20 percent by the end of next year.

5. Both leaders highlighted the agreement the nations'top customs chiefs signed Tuesday to standardize the supervision of customs clearance.

6. standardize什么意思

6. Edited for two years by some 100 experts from CACM's Tumor Branch, the guideline aims to standardize clinical diagnosis and treatment of tumor in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

7. We must rectify and standardize the order of the market economy and establish a social credit system compatible with a modern market economy.

8. Bai said the SAR government has formulated 190 administrative laws and regulations to standardize the operations of government.

9. We will continue to draw up administrative statutes and regulations to rectify and standardize market order.

10. It asked all departments to standardize driving rules to conserve gasoline, with a goal of cutting usage by about 20 percent by the end of 2008.

standardize 英英释义


1. standardize在线翻译

1. cause to conform to standard or norm

    e.g. The weights and measures were standardized

    Synonym: standardise

2. standardize

2. evaluate by comparing with a standard

    Synonym: standardise