standing army

standing army [ˈstændɪŋ ˈɑ:mi]  [ˈstændɪŋ ˈɑrmi] 

standing army 基本解释



standing army 网络解释

1. 常规军:Riot corps 防暴部队 | Standing army 常规军 | Sniper 狙击手

2. 职业军队:代议民主政治 Representation | 职业军队 standing army | 公私品行 virtue

3. 常备军; 现役部队:standing 立着的, 经常的, 不动的 (形) | standing army 常备军; 现役部队 | standing committee 常务委员会

standing army 单语例句

1. Japan's postwar pacifist constitution renounces war and bans the maintenance of a standing army but has been interpreted as allowing a military for defence only.

2. standing army

2. The LDP has proposed changes that would recognize Japan's right to a standing army and remove other pacifist restrictions.

3. Army Corps of Engineers was standing by to get the system running, but water levels must fall first.

4. A People's Liberation Army soldier standing guard outside a garrison in Chongqing was shot dead.

5. A US Army soldier looks through binoculars while standing on a guard tower at maximum security prison Camp Delta at Guantanamo Naval Base in Cuba.

standing army 英英释义


1. a permanent army of paid soldiers