start off and finish

start off and finish

start off and finish 双语例句

1. If this happens, you may have to strip off all of the old finish and start over.

2. The first race was 2, 428 kilometres split into six stages and was run off at 25.29 kilometres per hour and out of the 60 starters 21 finished and the race was lead from start to finish by Maurice Garin.

3. Get up 7am everyday, wash and dress, tie my hair up and go to the school canteen and get a piece of cake at 7:25, class is over at 12am, go to canteen with eve and get back to dorm at 12:30, talk on phone with neal for a while, 1pm start to take a nap, get up at 2:10pm, go back to classroom 10mins later, class is over at 5pm, go out for supper with eve, usually 2 share of noodle, or one share of meal and a desert, get back to classroom at 6pm, check email, night class starts at 6:30pm, listening comprehesion, go back to dorm at 9pm, jump up and down for 500 times, sit for 10 mins to choke the desire of puking back, finish bathing at 10pm, dry my hair, wash clothes, till 10:45pm the main light will be turned off, then i start to study till 12pm, then sleep...then the story goes...

4. Tomorrow I hope to finish the rivets off and start the port holes and railings next.

5. But, if you start off with the hardest task, when your energy level is high, you will have the focus and energy required to finish it off.