
statesman [ˈsteɪtsmən]  [ˈstetsmən] 


statesman 基本解释


statesman 网络解释


1. <政治家篇>:不幸的是,柏拉图很少提供有关线索∶他将<<智者篇>>(Sophist)、<<政治家篇>>(Statesman)与<<泰阿泰德篇>>衔接,成为该篇对话的继续. 同样地,他可能也将<<提麦奥斯篇>>(Timaeus)与<<理想国>>(Republic)加以衔接. 而亚里斯多德则认为,

2. 政治家 澳大利亚通用-霍尔登控股公司:Starfire 星火 美国通用汽车公司奥兹莫比尔部 | Statesman 政治家 澳大利亚通用-霍尔登控股公司 | Stellar 明星 韩国现代汽车公司

statesman 词典解释

1. 政治家
    A statesman is an important and experienced politician, especially one who is widely known and respected.

    e.g. Hamilton is a great statesman and political thinker.

statesman 单语例句

1. The former world statesman's implication in a long series of scandals and court cases has proved an embarrassment to his party.

2. The room decorated by various posters from Chinese statesman to currently nationwide popular space hero Yang Liwei to late Taiwan diva Deng Lijun.

3. It gained license and exemption from duty for three years from Li Hongzhang, a leading statesman of the late Qing Dynasty and a proponent of the movement.

4. Instead, he is a statesman and the government head of a major power in the world.

5. American Lemley told the Idaho Statesman that the slow progress of the project and concerns over budgets were behind his decision.

6. The seriousness of a promise by a statesman does not lie in how it is delivered but whether it relates to what people really need.

7. At 42 years, Zhang is the elder statesman of the country's golf scene and has nothing to prove.

8. While Winston Chao has perhaps played the hero more than anyone else, he's certainly not the only actor to portray the statesman onscreen.

9. The photos collected in the album not only document a revolutionary and statesman's personal story, but reflect his country's history and politics.

10. Though his own overseas studying experience was not satisfying, the sagacious statesman fully recognized how important the abroad students were to China's future construction.

statesman 英英释义



1. a man who is a respected leader in national or international affairs

    Synonym: solon national leader