stationary wave

stationary wave [ˈsteiʃənəri weiv]  [ˈsteʃəˌnɛri wev] 

stationary wave 基本解释

名词驻波; 定波

stationary wave 网络解释

1. 驻波:其中有一道关于波的试题,题目要求考生比较驻波(Stationary Wave))和行进波(Progressive Wave)在能量传播(Wave Energy),振幅(Amplitude)和相位差(Phase Difference)上面的区别,如果平时在波的知识点上面太注重计算而忽略基本概念的解释,

2. 驻波,定态波:statics 静力学 | stationary wave 驻波,定态波 | stator 定子

3. 驻波,定波:稳定时间数列 stationary time series | 驻波;定波 stationary wave | 定波说 stationary wave theory

4. 定常波:stationary parasitism 常住寄生性 | stationary wave 定常波 | statistical element 統計要素

stationary wave 英英释义



1. a wave (as a sound wave in a chamber or an electromagnetic wave in a transmission line) in which the ratio of its instantaneous amplitude at one point to that at any other point does not vary with time

    Synonym: standing wave