
stead [sted]  [stɛd] 

stead 基本解释

名词代替; 用处,好处; 有帮助


stead 相关词组


1. in sb.'s stead : 代替某人;

stead 相关例句



1. She asked me to attend the meeting in her stead.

2. My knowledge of French stood me in good stead when I traveled in France.

stead 网络解释


1. 代替:staylace 束腹带 | stead 代替 | steadfast 坚定的

2. 代;有用;对...有利:STDS 立柱 | stead 代;有用;对...有利 | steadiness 安定

3. 代替/有利/场所:stdwindow /标准窗口/ | stead /代替/有利/场所/ | steadfast /坚定的/踏实的/不变的/不动的/固定的/

stead 词典解释

1. 代替(某人)
    If you do something in someone's stead, you replace them and do it instead of them.

    e.g. We hope you will consent to act in his stead...
    e.g. My grandmother and aunt will be there in my parents' stead.

2. stead

2. 对…很有用;对…很有利
    If you say that something will stand someone in good stead, you mean that it will be very useful to them in the future.

    e.g. These two games here will stand them in good stead for the future...
    e.g. My years of teaching stood me in good stead.

stead 单语例句

1. In their stead are electronic sensors that switch lights on and off at the sound of clapping or footsteps.

2. Asking a relative or a close friend to go in your stead makes sense, but asking a total stranger is a little preposterous.

3. stead的近义词

3. A local company that provided the balloons filled the balloons with highly combustible hydrogen in stead of helium as required.

4. The Air Force " politely declines comment, " Lieutenant Colonel Tatiana Stead said in an interview.

5. It gives you that edge and will hold it in good stead again this season.

6. In the south, people pick up Tangyuan in stead of Jiaozi.

7. In his stead, a number of young stars have taken the spotlight.


8. In its stead, a sculpture of Mao in relief was placed in the main building of the university.

9. Wing Chun skills have stood King in good stead on at least two occasions, he says.

10. He was reportedly pushing to install a loyalist as defense chief to rule the ministry in his stead.

stead 英英释义


1. the post or function properly or customarily occupied or served by another

    e.g. can you go in my stead?
           took his place
           in lieu of

    Synonym: position place lieu