steam engine

steam engine [sti:m ˈendʒin]  [stim ˈɛndʒɪn] 

steam engine 基本解释


steam engine 网络解释


1. 蒸汽机:80年代,蒸汽机(steam engine)投入使用. 随着蒸汽机使用范围的扩大,特别是机器制造业的出现,工业革命迅速扩展到各部门. 到19世纪三十年代,各主要工业部门都采用机器,大机器生产在纺织业中已经占据主导地位. 英国从农业国发展成工业国,

2. 蒸汽机,蒸汽机车:83. web page 网页 | 84. steam engine蒸汽机,蒸汽机车 | 85. Prime Minister 首相,总理

3. 蒸汽机车,蒸汽机:steam emulsion 蒸汽乳化 | steam engine 蒸汽机车,蒸汽机 | steam forging press 蒸汽锻压机

steam engine 单语例句

1. steam engine是什么意思

1. Workers have spent more than a month digging out the steam engine.

2. This later gave rise to the Corliss steam engine, which was presented at the 1876 expo in Philadelphia.

3. It was not the invention of the steam engine alone that deserves the credit.

4. Without the invention of the steam engine, the West may still be in its Dark Age.

steam engine 英英释义

steam engine的意思



1. external-combustion engine in which heat is used to raise steam which either turns a turbine or forces a piston to move up and down in a cylinder