
steamed [sti:md]  [sti:md] 




steamed 基本解释
蒸熟的;蒸煮;冒蒸汽( steam的过去式和过去分词 );快速行走,疾行;行驶;
steamed 网络解释


1. 蒸的:结果他将我们拉到了一个吃海鲜的饭店,看起来也不怎么地,但是他说这里的海鲜很有名,很高档,结果是呀,价格也很高啊,我们二个吃了一个肉蟹Crab(我们这边叫青蟹)、四个像小青龙一样的虾是清蒸的(Steamed),要了一盘混合蔬菜(mixed vegetable),

2. 蒸:stewed... 闷(炖、煨)... | steamed...蒸... | smoked... 熏...

3. 清蒸海鲜:清蒸桂花鱼 Steamed mandarin fish | 清蒸海鲜 Steamed | 清蒸滑鸡 Steamed chicken

4. 蒸、清蒸:soup汤 | steamed蒸、清蒸 | stir-fry用旺火煸炒

steamed 单语例句

1. I also like a unique sweet and sour dessert, which can only be had in Qianjiang - canned mandarin oranges steamed with eggs.

2. The Beijing No 2 Intermediate People's Court heard that in June this year, Zi visited some steamed dumpling stalls but failed to find any with cardboard fillings.

3. steamed

3. Then came a steamed codfish with savory crispy crushed yellow soybean and carrot crab sauce.

4. steamed

4. There are 12 seasonal dishes, such as braised catfish with spring bamboo shoots and steamed shad with rice wine.

5. steamed的近义词

5. Dinner starts with tapas - pickled green peppers, grilled cheese and steamed egg custard with mashed vegetables - a nice selection for vegetarians.

6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

6. Have them steamed to retain their original flavor or order their roe and meat prepared according to six different recipes by master chef Chung.

7. Steamed chicken rice in lotus leaf is one of its most popular dishes, and its combination of jujubes and chicken juices permeates each grain of rice deliciously.

8. The yam is steamed, mashed and moulded into medium shaped domes and topped with a citrus peach sauce.

9. The steamed crabs are then immersed in a clay pot filled with simmering vintage yellow wine that has been seasoned with a secret recipe.

10. steamed的意思

10. Food safety has again taken center stage following the recent scandals of the tainted steamed buns and pork containing the banned additives clenbuterol and ractopamine.

steamed 英英释义


1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. cooked in steam

    e.g. steamed clams

2. aroused to impatience or anger

    e.g. made an irritated gesture
           feeling nettled from the constant teasing
           peeved about being left out
           felt really pissed at her snootiness
           riled no end by his lies
           roiled by the delay

    Synonym: annoyed irritated miffed nettled peeved pissed pissed off riled roiled stung