
steaming [ˈsti:mɪŋ] [ˈsti:miŋ] 






steaming 基本解释



名词汽蒸; 蒸热; 通入蒸汽; 蒸汽加工

动词蒸煮; 冒蒸汽( steam的现在分词 ); 快速行走,疾行; (靠蒸汽)行驶

steaming 网络解释

1. 蒸:烘baking | 蒸steaming | 白灼scalding

2. 清蒸:焙 roasting | 清蒸 steaming | 氽 quick-boiling

3. 蒸; 引入蒸气; 蒸气加工:steam distillation 蒸气蒸馏; 气馏 | steaming 蒸; 引入蒸气; 蒸气加工 | stemfall 茎流 (雨水被树冠截留后沿树干徐徐留下)

4. 蒸汽加工:steamvulcanization蒸汽硫化 | steaming蒸汽加工 | stearate硬脂酸盐

steaming 单语例句

1. Optional and decorative seasoning can be put on top of the steaming dish.

2. One defining characteristic of Kuwaiti food preparation is the steaming of rice, meats and vegetables in a metal pot for several hours.

3. Bathers must shower and scrub themselves scrupulously clean before climbing into the steaming pool, where they soak with friends or chat to fellow visitors.


4. We would sit around a table with the steaming pot in the center, chat about all the unforgettable moments we have had and enjoy our last moments.

5. The little cakes are made by steaming Chinese yam and the dried red dates or jujubes.

6. steaming

6. Chopsticks placed under the fish during steaming is a professional tip, and the raised fish cooks easier and quicker this way.

7. steaming是什么意思

7. It came in a purple clay teapot, burnished with a glowing patina and gently steaming on a piece of slate.

8. steaming的反义词

8. It is an ideal " date " meal, with diners huddled close together over the steaming pot.

9. Under the dim light of road lamps, a crowd of people sit around basins of steaming red crayfish.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. There's nothing like fresh crusty bread in the mornings for breakfast, alongside a steaming pot of ground coffee.

steaming 英英释义



1. filled with steam or emitting moisture in the form of vapor or mist

    e.g. a steaming kettle
           steamy towels

    Synonym: steamy


1. (used of heat) extremely

    e.g. the casserole was piping hot

    Synonym: piping