1. The commerce Department has for many years been a stepchild of the city government.
1. 继子女:不仅是你的子女,被抚养人也可以是你的孙子女、兄弟姐妹,继子女(stepchild)和养子女(foster child)也行. 但是,他们必须在19岁以下. 如果在19岁至24岁之间,必须是全日制的学生. 他们必须和你住在一起,并且住在美国,时间超过半年以上.
2. 前夫或妻的孩子:stepfather 继父 | stepchild 前夫或妻的孩子 | stepbrother 异父(母)兄弟
3. 前夫子女:stepbrother 异父兄弟 | stepchild 前夫子女 | stepdame 继母
4. 妻(夫)与前夫(妻)所生的孩子:stepbrother同父(母)异母(父)兄弟 | stepchild妻(夫)与前夫(妻)所生的孩子 | stepdaughter继女
1. 继子;继女
Someone's stepchild is a child that was born to their husband or wife during a previous relationship.
1. " I became part of the Australian Cricket Family but feel like a stepchild, " wrote supporter Chris Flaherty.
1. a child of your spouse by a former marriage