
stern [stɜ:n]  [stɜ:rn] 





stern 基本解释

形容词严肃的; 严厉的,严峻的; 坚定的,不动摇的

名词船尾,艉; 末端; 斯坦恩,英语男子名

stern 同义词

形容词harsh severe austere firm exacting strict stringent hard


stern 反义词


形容词gentle lenient

stern 相关例句


1. Our team made a stern resolve to win.

2. Stern discipline did not achieve the desired result.


1. She seated herself in the stern of the boat.

stern 网络解释


1. 船艉:如果因为风浪过大而有必要实施顶戗的话,动力船舶采取船艉(Stern)顶浪,风帆船舶采取右戗. 三. 位於风暴中心正前方的风暴路径上:动力船舶与风帆船舶都应该设法让风持续从左船舽2点(大致是相对方位200°)吹来,尽可能以这个航向一直往前跑,

stern 词典解释

1. (话语或行动)严厉的,严正的
    Stern words or actions are very severe.

    e.g. Mr Straw issued a stern warning to those who persist in violence...
    e.g. He said stern measures would be taken against the killers...

'We will take the necessary steps,' she said sternly.

2. (人)严厉的,严格的,苛刻的
    Someone who is stern is very serious and strict.

    e.g. Her father was stern and hard to please.

3. 船尾;艉部 from stem to stern
    The stern of a boat is the back part of it.

4. (人)性格坚强的,坚忍的
    If you say that someone is made of sterner stuff, you mean that they have a strong personality and are capable of overcoming difficulties and problems.

    e.g. Whoever this woman is, she's made of sterner stuff than I am.

stern 单语例句

1. The four detainees included Stern Hu, general manager of Rio Tinto's Shanghai office in charge of iron ore business in China.

2. This is a stern message serving notice that any unconstitutional act will not be tolerated.

3. " My guess is we'll double it in size by the Beijing Olympics " in 2008, Stern said.

4. The lease was called the worst in the NBA by commissioner David Stern.

5. stern

5. The statement issued by Stern was the commissioner's first public upbraiding of Cuban in a while.

6. Stern, could not be reached by The Associated Press on Thursday for comment.

7. Stern said he wasn't disappointed by the spelling change because the pronunciation and significance of the names were still intact.

8. NBA commissioner David Stern happily embraces the possibilities created by the league's cosmopolitan flavour.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. Rio Tinto's business in China was hampered by the arrest of its Shanghai office staff member Stern Hu on charges of stealing State secrets.

10. stern

10. The girl was briefly thought to be fathered by Stern before paternity tests showed the father was Birkhead.

stern 英英释义


1. the rear part of a ship

    Synonym: after part quarter poop tail

2. the fleshy part of the human body that you sit on

    e.g. he deserves a good kick in the butt
           are you going to sit on your fanny and do nothing?

    Synonym: buttocks nates arse butt backside bum buns can fundament hindquarters hind end keister posterior prat rear rear end rump seat tail tail end tooshie tush bottom behind derriere fanny ass


1. stern的近义词

1. severe and unremitting in making demands

    e.g. an exacting instructor
           a stern disciplinarian
           strict standards

    Synonym: strict exacting

2. of a stern or strict bearing or demeanor
    forbidding in aspect

    e.g. an austere expression
           a stern face

    Synonym: austere

3. not to be placated or appeased or moved by entreaty

    e.g. grim determination
           grim necessity
           Russia's final hour, it seemed, approached with inexorable certainty
           relentless persecution
           the stern demands of parenthood

    Synonym: grim inexorable relentless unappeasable unforgiving unrelenting

4. severely simple

    e.g. a stark interior

    Synonym: austere severe stark