
sternum [ˈstɜ:nəm]  [ˈstɜ:rnəm] 


sternum 基本解释



sternum 网络解释


1. 胸骨:(二) 胸骨(sternum)是1块扁骨,浅居胸前壁正中皮下,自上而下可分为胸骨柄、胸骨体和剑突三部分. (三)肋(ribs)由肋骨和肋软件组成,共12对. 肋骨为细长的弓形扁骨, 分为体和前、后两端. 后端膨大,称肋头,有关节面与相应胸椎的肋凹相关节.

2. 腹板:各体节的骨化区,依其所在的体面分别命名为:背板(tergum)、腹板(sternum)和侧板(pleuron). 骨板常在适当的部分向里褶陷,称为沟(suLcus),由沟可将骨板划分为若干小片,称为骨片(sclerite),按其所在骨板,

3. [解]胸骨, 胸片, 胸板:devil 魔鬼, 恶棍 | sternum [解]胸骨, 胸片, 胸板 | fuor (木工)补强板条

4. 胸骨;腹 ;腹板:sterility 不育性 | sternum 胸骨;腹 ;腹板 | steroid 类固醇,甾类,甾族化合物

sternum 词典解释

1. 胸骨
    Your sternum is the long flat bone which goes from your throat to the bottom of your ribs and to which your ribs are attached.

sternum 单语例句

1. sternum是什么意思

1. Chen suffers from " pentalogy of Cantrell, " with complex series of defects including congenital heart disease and sternum abnormalities.

2. The doctor said if the chief executive had been struck on the sternum his injuries could have been more serious.

sternum 英英释义


1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. the flat bone that articulates with the clavicles and the first seven pairs of ribs

    Synonym: breastbone