
stertor ['stɜ:tə]  ['stɜ:tə] 

stertor 基本解释

名词鼾声; 鼻息

stertor 网络解释


1. 鼾声:steroline 甾醇甙 | stertor 鼾声 | stertorous 打鼾的

2. 息:steroidogenesis 甾类产生 | stertor 息 | stertorous breathing 声呼吸

3. 打鼾:stereognosis 形體感覺 | stertor 打鼾 | stork-leg 焦阿咖

4. 鼾声; 打鼾声 (名):sterol 固醇; 甾醇 (名) | stertor 鼾声; 打鼾声 (名) | stertorous 打鼾的 (形)

stertor 双语例句


1. When remembering fondly of pain and sufferings with wear light and soft stertor that really isn't a moving song

2. Shout shout of the stertor disturbed the all umpire, everyone's fee very great strength, just rush through Be compete of the last one minute shout awake they.

3. Shu however only feel a noon window clear, the desire feel still smell inebriate a stertor.

stertor 英英释义


1. the act of snoring or producing a snoring sound

    Synonym: snore snoring