
steward [ˈstju:əd]  [ˈstu:ərd] 


steward 基本解释


名词管家; 乘务员; 干事,理事; [部门,工厂]的工会代表

不及物动词当服务员; 当管事


steward 相关例句


1. He is the steward of that great estate.

2. He went around the world as a ship's steward.

steward 网络解释

1. 服务生:我在书桌上的卡片上,已经见到这间客舱的服务生(steward)名叫日尔曼(GERMAN),我们原以为是个西方人,不料很快客舱服务生来时,才看见他是亚洲黄种人,他自我介绍来自菲律宾,看年纪比一般服务生大,像是中年人了.

2. 管家:「管家(steward)二字为许多人所误解,甚至对它感到陌生. 我们现代的语言之中没有类似的字眼可以包含原文全部丰富的意义. 看管者(caretaker)不能表达他所负的责任. 经理(manager)不能说出主人与管家之间的关系. 管理人(custodian)被动的成分太大.

3. 摄政王:III-2050 国王 Earnur 失踪,刚铎交由摄政王(Steward)治理,白树仍在白塔楼内生长. III-2852 第二十一任摄政王 Belecthor II 死亡,白树也跟著枯死,由於找不到后代,枯树就立在喷泉中等待,直到甘道夫带领阿拉冈从明都路安山腰积雪中发现幼苗,

4. 空中少爷:机舱服务员 (Flight Attendant/Cabin Crew),即是我们日常在机上看到的空中小姐 (Stewardess) 或空中少爷 (Steward) . 他们负责由飞机起飞至降落目的地中为旅客提供各种服务及确保飞行其间的安全. 他们的职责包括:

steward 词典解释

1. (船舶、飞机或火车上的)男服务员,男乘务员
    A steward is a man who works on a ship, plane, or train, looking after passengers and serving meals to them.

2. steward的解释

2. (财产)管理员;管家
    A steward is someone who has the responsibility for looking after property.

    e.g. The Earl didn't have the money or good judgement to employ a steward to manage the place for him.

3. (协助组织赛马、游行及其他公共活动的)负责人,管事
    A steward is a man or woman who helps to organize a race, march, or other public event.

    e.g. The steward at the march stood his ground while the rest of the marchers decided to run.

steward 单语例句

1. After the match it emerged that a steward needed hospital treatment after being hit by an object thrown from the crowd following Adebayor's celebratory actions.

2. " I think he could fight Vitali again and that might be Lennox's last fight, " Steward said.

3. I open my eyes on hearing the faint knock on my cabin door by our steward Fanum.

4. steward在线翻译

4. Lewis strongly rejected this, but his trainer Emanuel Steward suggested a rematch was a possibility.

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5. Juve's joy was slightly tempered by television footage showing Zebina threatening a steward after being sent off.

6. Hill said he had written to the Queen offering his services as " steward " and recognising her as head of state.

7. The boat steward gives an introduction in Chinese only as you pass each site on the trip.

8. The student and the steward were confirmed as being infected with the virus while in quarantine.

steward 英英释义



1. steward的近义词

1. one having charge of buildings or grounds or animals

    Synonym: custodian keeper

2. a union member who is elected to represent fellow workers in negotiating with management

    Synonym: shop steward

3. someone who manages property or other affairs for someone else

4. steward

4. an attendant on an airplane

    Synonym: flight attendant

5. steward

5. the ship's officer who is in charge of provisions and dining arrangements