stick stubbornly to

stick stubbornly to

stick stubbornly to 双语例句

stick stubbornly to的翻译

1. Candidates need to be reminded that in doing the course title, if you find yourself the answer does not match with the standard answer, when candidates do not stubbornly stick to their understanding, to adjust their thinking.

2. Stubbornly stick to day in many Qiqiaiai, ultimately bound into a hole and pull off.

3. Some elements in the West stubbornly stick to the cold war ideologyin constructing their international security order.
    20世纪 90年代以来,一些西方国家顽固坚持用冷战思维构筑国际安全秩序。

4. I usually am one of those guys who feels an obligation to stick stubbornly to preseason predictions -- or else why bother making'em?

5. Though Dr Leonard has yet to decide exactly how to define the temperature scale for traffic, he is keen for the resulting numbers to fall into a range familiar to Americans, who stick stubbornly to Fahrenheit.

stick stubbornly to 单语例句

1. Those who stubbornly bury themselves in books and stick to their principles will soon become laughing stocks.