sticking points

sticking points

sticking points 单语例句

1. One of the sticking points delaying the agreement has previously been cited as the number of series she would have to commit to.

2. There are at least four sticking points as far as their bilateral ties are concerned.

3. sticking points

3. She said potential sticking points are China's protection of its growing dairy industry and New Zealand's tariffs on textiles and footwear.

4. One of the main sticking points is how to ensure that troops on duty all have legal immunity from Iraqi courts if they remain.

5. The sticking points involved reaching a consensus on power distribution, particularly in the key posts of minister of finance and minister of internal affairs.

6. The issue of releasing Israeli Arab prisoners was one of the sticking points in the long talks over Shalit's release between Israel and Hamas.

7. Hill said after the banquet that the parties were fairly close to a deal but sticking points remain.

8. The settlements in their already existing form are one of the main sticking points.