
stifling ['staɪflɪŋ]  [ˈstaɪflɪŋ] 







stifling 基本解释

形容词令人窒息的; 沉闷的

动词(使)窒息,(使)窒闷( stifle的现在分词)

stifling 网络解释


1. 令人窒息的:mystique 神秘色彩,神秘性 | stifling 令人窒息的 | get about (尤指病后)走动;往来各处;(消息、谣言等)传开

2. 沉闷的:stifle 使窒息 | stifling 沉闷的 | stigma 污名

3. 令人窒息的/发闷的/无聊的:stifled /堵/ | stifling /令人窒息的/发闷的/无聊的/ | stigmata /小斑/

4. 发闷的:stiffnesswoodenness 呆板 | stifling 发闷的 | stiflingsuffocative 令人窒息的

stifling 词典解释

1. stifling

1. 令人窒息的;闷热的
    Stifling heat is so intense that it makes you feel uncomfortable. You can also use stifling to describe a place that is extremely hot.

    e.g. The stifling heat of the little room was beginning to make me nauseous.

2. (情况)令人窒息的,令人感到压抑的
    If a situation is stifling, it makes you feel uncomfortable because you cannot do what you want.

    e.g. Life at home with her parents and two sisters was stifling.
    e.g. ...a stifling bureaucracy.

3. see also: stifle

stifling 单语例句

1. Desperate crowds formed by the thousands and some pushed and shoved after weeks of stifling fuel shortages.

2. stifling什么意思

2. Most of the game was played in the center of the field, with Liverpool fielding one striker and stifling United's attack with five across midfield.

3. Many were only partly clothed because of the stifling heat in the gymnasium where they had been held since the militants took the building.

4. Many of the children were naked or only partly clothed because of the stifling heat in the gymnasium.

5. He set crushing picks and made expert passes on nearly all the Spurs'possessions, and he blocked two shots while playing stifling defense.

6. Some worry whether cynicism and the demands of the marketplace are stifling Chinese culture, but Desai noted that there is actually a revival of the past in China.

7. China failed to meet its energy conservation and pollution control targets last year, and environmental degradation remains a problem stifling China's economic and social development.

8. Critics accuse Putin of stifling dissent and media freedom and reasserting the power of the security services.

9. The dubious offerings of our culture industry are sapping people's creativity, stifling innovation and giving a diverse nation one voice.

10. If ATV continues to stick to this lame and miserly approach, it has only itself to blame for stifling its own existence.

stifling 英英释义



1. forceful prevention
    putting down by power or authority

    e.g. the suppression of heresy
           the quelling of the rebellion
           the stifling of all dissent

    Synonym: suppression crushing quelling


1. characterized by oppressive heat and humidity

    e.g. the summer was sultry and oppressive
           the stifling atmosphere
           the sulfurous atmosphere preceding a thunderstorm

    Synonym: sultry sulfurous sulphurous