
stilted [ˈstɪltɪd]  [ˈstɪltɪd] 

stilted 基本解释


stilted 网络解释

1. 僵硬的, 不自然的,呆板的:- unfocused 未聚焦的 | - stilted 僵硬的, 不自然的,呆板的 | - insincere 不真诚的

2. 踩高跷的:stilted arch 有座子的圆拱 | stilted 踩高跷的 | stimulant 刺激物

3. 提高:stilt 高桥 ;支材 | stilted 提高 | stilted arch 上心拱

stilted 词典解释

1. (言谈)呆板的,生硬的,不自然的
    If someone speaks in a stilted way, they speak in a formal or unnatural way, for example because they are not relaxed.

    e.g. We made polite, stilted conversation...
    e.g. His delivery was stilted and occasionally stumbling.

stilted 单语例句

1. Still, the fact that every onstage comment was scripted inevitably gave the show a stilted feeling.

2. The acting was so stilted it gives you goose bumps and the story smacks of a stereotypical urban romance.

3. Some of its speakers looked nervous and parts of the presentation came off as stilted.

4. stilted

4. He takes off his shirt frequently, yet looks ungainly and stilted in his beefcake poses.

stilted 英英释义



1. artificially formal

    e.g. that artificial humility that her husband hated
           contrived coyness
           a stilted letter of acknowledgment
           when people try to correct their speech they develop a stilted pronunciation

    Synonym: artificial contrived hokey