






stipulates 基本解释
规定,约定,讲明( stipulate的名词复数 );规定,明确要求;规定,约定,讲明( stipulate的第三人称单数 );
stipulates 网络解释


1. 保证保障:boost social harmony 促进社会和谐 | stipulates 保证保障 | the 247-article law 247条的法律

stipulates 单语例句


1. The company also stipulates that workers cannot go on vacation during the busy season.

2. The law stipulates that the act of damaging environment is a crime, but there is still no judicial interpretation on the act.

3. The resolution stipulates that private capital can be invested in any economic sector, except those relating to national security specifically forbidden by the law.

4. She attributed the quick execution of Saddam to Iraqi law, which stipulates that citizens over the age of 70 can be exempt from capital punishment.

5. stipulates的解释

5. The State Supreme Court stipulates entrapment can be used only to catch drug dealers, although if the method is used they must be spared the death penalty.

6. The Corporate Law stipulates that intangible assets must not exceed 20 per cent of a company's subscribed capital.

7. But it also stipulates that each year a certain number of the members should be changed.

8. The charter also stipulates that riders must also lodge a year's salary, which will be forfeited if they are convicted of any doping charges.

9. Cheung added the bill stipulates further reviews of the wage rate at least every two years.

10. stipulates的反义词

10. Chinese law stipulates that workers can collect pensions after they pay into endowment insurance for 15 years.