stir up trouble

stir up trouble [stə: ʌp ˈtrʌbl]  [stɚ ʌp ˈtrʌbəl] 

stir up trouble 基本解释

兴风作浪; 刮阴风; 闹; 点火

stir up trouble 网络解释

1. 挑起麻烦:agitators 鼓动者,煽动者 | stir up trouble 挑起麻烦 | skulk out 偷偷闪人

2. 引起麻烦:have no guts;没有骨气 | stir up trouble;引起麻烦 | talk sense into;开导

stir up trouble 单语例句

1. stir up trouble的意思

1. A small number of power hungry individuals have been enticed to stir up trouble and sow distrust between the different ethnic groups living peacefully.

2. Beijing has exercised the utmost tolerance each time Manila has chosen to stir up trouble on China's doorstep.

3. stir up trouble

3. Should the dissenters want to stir up trouble in the future, they will have to come up with some novel excuses.

4. The US is keen to muddy the waters and stir up trouble.

5. If he decides to stir up his militiamen again, the new government could face trouble on a new front.

6. That may be the reason why the Dalai Lama clique is always so eager to stir up trouble in the region.

7. " All they want is to stir up trouble in Hong Kong, " Tsang said in Beijing Monday.

8. The villagers warned Lu not to stir up trouble there because they won't listen to him anymore.

9. The villagers warned Lu not to stir up trouble there because they won't listen to them anymore.

10. External forces could have prompted these two Asian countries to stir up trouble over the South China Sea.