stock certificate

stock certificate[stɔk səˈtifikeit] 

stock certificate 基本解释

stock certificate在线翻译


stock certificate 网络解释


1. 股票证书:解释:美国的公用事业与工业,由于其所需要的资金多少不一定,因此在发行优先股筹集资金时,通常会在股票证书(stock certificate)上记载收回条款(redemption provision),而等到资金有剩余时,则收回一部分或全部的优先股.

2. 股票:3577stock broker 股票经纪人 | 3578stock certificate股票 | 3579stock company股份公司

3. 股票;股票证书:stock broker 股票经纪 | stock certificate 股票;股票证书 | Stock Clearing Corporation 股票结算公司(费城)

4. 认股书:stock boat 贮存船 | Stock Certificate 认股书 | stock company 股份公司

stock certificate 单语例句


1. " Stock " refers to a certificate that represents part ownership of a company and the right to receive a share in its profits.

2. The certificate is needed for a company to apply for a public stock listing or to advertise a patented product.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. In the New China Chengdu showed its innovative capacity when it issued the first stock certificate.

4. Also on display is a Chinese Cooperative stock certificate signed by the late Chinese leader Mao Zedong.

5. A depositary receipt is a certificate issued by a bank representing equity in foreign companies, which is traded on stock exchanges within the issuing country.

stock certificate 英英释义

stock certificate的翻译


1. a certificate documenting the shareholder's ownership in the corporation

    e.g. the value of his stocks doubled during the past year

    Synonym: stock