
stonecrop [s'təʊnkrɒp]  [s'toʊnkrɒp] 

stonecrop 基本解释


stonecrop 网络解释


1. [植]景天:stonecrop [植]景天 | globular polymer 球型聚合物 | desirable criterion 必要标准[判据]

2. 景天:stonechat 野翁鸟 | stonecrop 景天 | stonecutter 石匠

3. 佛甲草:stone-like omphalia 雷丸 | stonecrop 佛甲草 | stoneless preserved cherry-apple 化核海棠脯

4. 景天(植物名):buckwheat 荞麦 | stonecrop 景天(植物名) | cluster 一丛,一簇

stonecrop 英英释义


1. any of various northern temperate plants of the genus Sedum having fleshy leaves and red or yellow or white flowers