stop off

stop off [stɔp ɔf]  [stɑp ɔf] 

stop off 基本解释


stop off 情景对话


Health Club-(健身俱乐部)

A:Hey, Susie, what health club do you belong to?

B:Total Fitness, why?

A:Well, I’ve been going to Athletic Express, but I don’t like it there.
      哦,我一直都是去Athletic Express,可是我不喜欢那儿。

B:Really? Why not? I hear it’s pretty good.

A:The people don’t really work out there. They just stand around and talk all the time.

B:Oh, it’s one of those places.

A:Yeah, is your club different?

B:Well, they have different rooms. I lift weights by the pool where there aren’t so many people.

A:Do they have a lot of equipment?

B:Yeah, they have all the machines, a pool, and a steam room and sauna.

A:Sounds nice. What about classes?

B:The usual. Aerobics, kickboxing, yoga. They just started a Tai Chi class too.

A:Wow, that sounds great.

B:Well, I have a guest pass. Why don’t you come with me tonight?

A:Really? Thanks. I’ll stop by when I get off work.

B:Perfect. See you later.

A:O.K., see you.

stop off 网络解释

1. 中途停留;中途下车:stop by (顺便)访问 | stop off 中途停留;中途下车 | store up 贮藏,储备

2. 中途停留:stop knob 制动旋钮 | stop off 中途停留 | stop payment 止付

3. 防镀膜, 阻剂:Stiffener补强条(板). | Stop Off防镀膜, 阻剂. | Strain变形,应变.

4. 虚筋,挡块(砂模):虛表溫度apparent temperature | 虛筋,擋塊(砂模)stop off | 蓄熱爐regenerating furnace

stop off 词典解释

1. 中途逗留
    If you stop off somewhere, you stop for a short time in the middle of a journey.

    e.g. The president stopped off in Poland on his way to Munich for the economic summit.

stop off 单语例句

1. The teachers carry the students on their backs to stop them from falling off the ladder.

2. Opponents charge that the " Full Stop " and " Due Obedience " laws effectively cut off further prosecutions.

3. Though a must stop for many tourists, the chateau will be off limits to the public for two days before the wedding.

4. So now there's nothing will stop him from heading north to finish off Washington.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. Syria insists it is trying to stop the flow but that it is impossible to seal off the long desert border.

6. stop off的翻译

6. He was so proud of it and would not stop talking about all the functions while showing off the look of his phone.

7. He explains that any interested woman can just get off at the next stop.

8. stop off

8. Pedestrians can stop insisting that they be dropped off midway in an alley instead of at the safer edges of a narrow lane.

9. stop off的近义词

9. A driver of a local bus found the boy onboard when all other passengers had gotten off at the final stop and informed the police.

10. stop off在线翻译

10. On several occasions police have tried to stop racers only to watch them speed off, paying no attention to the officers.